Blog posts categorized as: Awards

October 16, 2014

We’re at the State Fair of Texas!

We were so honored to be given the President's Award for design and installation at the fair grounds.

October 14, 2014

Fall back on lawn watering: Brown Patch Disease

Overwatering your lawn could cause the fungal disease, Brown Patch.

August 13, 2014

Attending TNLA This Week? So are we!

Will we see you at TNLA in San Antonio 2014?

August 11, 2014

Hydrozone Your Landscape to Save Water

Tips on how to save water by grouping similar plants in the landscape.

January 10, 2014

Our Townhouse Patio & Backyard Renovation wins Silver TEIL Award!

Here are Roundtree Landscaping, we don't do what we do to win awards. We do what love, because we love it. But now and then, we're lucky enough to be recognized for our work with awards from the landcaping industry. We're happy to annouce that we've been selected to receive a Silver Texas Excellence In Landscaping (TEIL) Award from the Texas Nursery and Landscape Association for 2013-2014!